Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Karen Fisher-Alaniz breaks the code

PictureKaren Fisher-Alaniz has written a memoir about her father and, like a lot of people, her memoir about someone close to her has triggered strong emotions in others.  Here's Fisher-Alaniz:

"While promoting my memoir, I often hear people's regrets. We all think we'll have more time to get our loved one's stories recorded. We're waiting for the perfect time. Sadly, often time runs out...
PictureSo, I've decided to do something about that. I just announced something I'm calling the Story Sharing Revolution on my website. All you have to do is commit to sitting down with one person in your life. Listen to one story and record it in some way; write it, video tape it, audio record...whatever. It's as simple as that. To launch the Revolution, I am sponsoring a contest on my blog. All you have to do is answer a question, and you're entered to win a double signed copy of my book, Breaking the Code: a Father's Secret, a Daughter's Journey, and the Question That Changed Everything. Tell your friends about it and your name gets entered even more times. The more people we get to join us, the better. I'd love it if you'd join me. Together we can change the world - one story at a time!" ~Karen 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing my quest! This is fabulous! ~Karen Fisher-Alaniz

